Real-Live Clinicians Offering In-Person Therapy in Somerville, MA

FIRST if you are having a psychiatric emergency, choose one:

  1. Call or Text 988 – Mass. Hotline
  2. Call 911
  3. Call 800-273-8255 – National Hotline

It is not unusual to hear during a consultation that I am the first clinician a person found with an office in Somerville after much searching.

The list assembled below comprises real-live clinicians and clinics offering real-live in-person psychotherapy in Somerville, MA, as of August 2024. This list only includes clinicians or groups that responded or whom I know as colleagues. A handful of clinicians responded but asked to be left off the list, as they are in the process of retiring from clinical work.

Robert Amos, LICSW
Jane Axelrod EdD, LMHC
Back to Good Counseling Notably the only group that made it.
Dialogic Space
Katie McBride
Mindful Counseling LLC Just over the line in Cambridge, MA, but still in spitting distance.
Kurt Nelson, LICSW
Lauren Walsh, LMHC

There are also a number of public and private clinics in Somerville, Medford, and Cambridge that provide a variety of psychotherapeutic services.

Cambridge Health Alliance CHBC
Riverside Community Care
DCS Mental Health

Barring those resources, there are several directories and referral services that can help you find providers in the area. I have omitted insurance directories as they are notorious for being outdated.

Psychology Today
Therapy Den
Thriving Campus (for students)
Open Path Collective (low-fee therapists)
BPSI Referral Service (psychoanalytic focus)
William James INTERFACE Referral Service

William James INTERFACE also offers an excellent guide to resources for addiction, abuse, and domestic violence.

Requisite disclosures: Because of the nature of clinical work, I can’t promise that any of the above clinics or clinicians will accept your particular insurance. If that is a primary concern, I would start with a clinic, CHBC, or referral service.

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